Most people think that pissing fetish is really odd, to say the least. Some people probably think it’s downright disgusting, and they’re entitled to their opinions, hell, I felt the same way until the first time I experienced it. I was at the bar with my girl and we’d been drinking rather heavily. When we got home, we started going at it as soon as we hit the door. I didn’t even bother taking her clothes off, I just reached up her skirt, pushed her panties to the side and started fingering her. Without meaning to, she relieved herself while I had my fingers inside of her. It was the sexiest thing I had ever experienced. After that, I was hooked.
When I found out you can relieve yourself 76% with a discount to Wet and Pissy; I couldn’t wait to sign up. Members will have 285+ sexy models to choose from including Ally Breelsen, Alexa Tomas, Alyssa Reece, Angel Kiss, Claudia Macc, Erica Fontes, Eufrat, Jasmine Webb, Lena Cova, and Marry Queen. This is a wet and wild deal you’ll want to slip right in to.